Isan Lover
Den Thailändska polisen är inte redo att sluta tortera misstänkta brottslingar ännu, vill att den lagändring som förbjuder detta flyttas fram.
Pol Gen Damrongsak Kittiprapas has written to the Ministry of Justice, asking for a delay in the enforcement of the Anti-Torture Act, claiming that his officers are not ready to give up police torture.
The act was trailered in October last year, with the provision that it would come into force on February 22.
Mvh isan lover
Den Thailändska polisen är inte redo att sluta tortera misstänkta brottslingar ännu, vill att den lagändring som förbjuder detta flyttas fram.
Thai police torture to continue, for now
Cops not ready for Anti-torture bill, says Damrongsak
Jon Withman 16 hours ago
Pol Gen Damrongsak Kittiprapas has written to the Ministry of Justice, asking for a delay in the enforcement of the Anti-Torture Act, claiming that his officers are not ready to give up police torture.
The act was trailered in October last year, with the provision that it would come into force on February 22.

Thai police torture to continue, for now
Pol Gen Damrongsak Kittiprapas has written to the Ministry of Justice, asking for a delay in enforcement of the Anti-Torture Act.

Mvh isan lover