Isan Lover
En brittisk medborgare hotas av utvisning efter att på internet ha påstått att det är vanligt att muta thailändsk polis, korruption inom polisen, påstått att Thailändare är lättmanipulerade, framfört kritik mot Thailändska myndigheter och Thailändares karaktär o.s.v.
Han togs in till förhör hos polisen i Mae Hong Son i går den 2 maj. Poliser berättade för honom att hans videor skadade Thailands image och hotade den nationella säkerheten. De beordrade Britten att ta bort alla videor som innehöll negativa kommentarer om Thailand. Det mesta tyder på att han nu kommer att bli utvisad ur landet av Immigration.
Thai Tourist Police officers urged the Immigration Bureau to deport a British mandue to negative comments he made about Thai authorities, laws, and people on YouTube and other social media platforms.
The British man, identified only as Thomas, posted videos of himself talking about Thailand on YouTube and several other social media platforms. In the videos, Thomas reportedly made negative comments about restrictions on foreigners’ careers, alleged corruption in the Thai police and the character of Thai people.
In one video, he said that Thai people did not respect their rights, were cowardly and easily manipulated by both the upper class and the government. He said that the Thai government managed to manipulate 98% of Thai people into getting the Covid-19 vaccine, and this made Thai people zombies in his eyes.
Mvh isan lover
En brittisk medborgare hotas av utvisning efter att på internet ha påstått att det är vanligt att muta thailändsk polis, korruption inom polisen, påstått att Thailändare är lättmanipulerade, framfört kritik mot Thailändska myndigheter och Thailändares karaktär o.s.v.
Han togs in till förhör hos polisen i Mae Hong Son i går den 2 maj. Poliser berättade för honom att hans videor skadade Thailands image och hotade den nationella säkerheten. De beordrade Britten att ta bort alla videor som innehöll negativa kommentarer om Thailand. Det mesta tyder på att han nu kommer att bli utvisad ur landet av Immigration.
British man to face deportation over negative Thailand comments
Petch PetpailinPublished: 11:02, 03 May 2024Thai Tourist Police officers urged the Immigration Bureau to deport a British mandue to negative comments he made about Thai authorities, laws, and people on YouTube and other social media platforms.
The British man, identified only as Thomas, posted videos of himself talking about Thailand on YouTube and several other social media platforms. In the videos, Thomas reportedly made negative comments about restrictions on foreigners’ careers, alleged corruption in the Thai police and the character of Thai people.
In one video, he said that Thai people did not respect their rights, were cowardly and easily manipulated by both the upper class and the government. He said that the Thai government managed to manipulate 98% of Thai people into getting the Covid-19 vaccine, and this made Thai people zombies in his eyes.
British man to face deportation over negative Thailand comments
A British man possibly faces deportation over his negative comments about Thai authorities, laws, and Thai people on social media platforms.
Mvh isan lover