Isan Lover
En indisk man utklädd till Lufthansa pilot greps i Bangkok, han hade även ett förfalskat Lufthansa id-kort som han sägs ha köpt i Thailand, han uppges ha använt sig av den här förklädnaden minst 15 gånger, skälet uppges vara att indiern ville imponera på kvinnor samt att han då fick gratis uppgraderingar och kunde använda sig av den ”fast lane” som är märkt ”Crew”.
Indian man posing as a pilot bought fake Lufthansa ID in Bangkok
Published November 23, 2019
By May Taylor
“The passenger disclosed that he used to shoot YouTube videos on aviation and had obtained the Lufthansa fake ID card in Bangkok.”
It was all going so well, until he was eventually caught.
An Indian man who regularly pretended to be a pilot, in order to get free upgrades and impress women, has been arrested in Delhi as he was boarding an Air Asia flight to Kolkata. Rajan Mahbubani travelled on at least fifteen flights while dressed as a pilot and admits he bought his fake Lufthansa ID card in Bangkok.
He would regularly receive preferential treatment if he checked in while wearing a pilot’s uniform, including free upgrades and permission to use the fast track lane reserved for crew. With shades of the “Catch Me If You Can” movie, Bollywood-style, it’s surprising that someone could be pulling off this act successfully in 2019.
Läs hela artikeln här: Indian man posing as a pilot bought fake Lufthansa ID in Bangkok | The Thaiger
Mvh isan lover
En indisk man utklädd till Lufthansa pilot greps i Bangkok, han hade även ett förfalskat Lufthansa id-kort som han sägs ha köpt i Thailand, han uppges ha använt sig av den här förklädnaden minst 15 gånger, skälet uppges vara att indiern ville imponera på kvinnor samt att han då fick gratis uppgraderingar och kunde använda sig av den ”fast lane” som är märkt ”Crew”.
Indian man posing as a pilot bought fake Lufthansa ID in Bangkok
Published November 23, 2019
By May Taylor

“The passenger disclosed that he used to shoot YouTube videos on aviation and had obtained the Lufthansa fake ID card in Bangkok.”
It was all going so well, until he was eventually caught.
An Indian man who regularly pretended to be a pilot, in order to get free upgrades and impress women, has been arrested in Delhi as he was boarding an Air Asia flight to Kolkata. Rajan Mahbubani travelled on at least fifteen flights while dressed as a pilot and admits he bought his fake Lufthansa ID card in Bangkok.
He would regularly receive preferential treatment if he checked in while wearing a pilot’s uniform, including free upgrades and permission to use the fast track lane reserved for crew. With shades of the “Catch Me If You Can” movie, Bollywood-style, it’s surprising that someone could be pulling off this act successfully in 2019.
Läs hela artikeln här: Indian man posing as a pilot bought fake Lufthansa ID in Bangkok | The Thaiger
Mvh isan lover