Isan Lover
Läste att plastpåsar och frigolit har förbjudits på Koh Samet, förbudet börjar gälla den 1 november 2018, dom som fortsätter använda dessa produkter kan numera bötfällas med 1500 baht, dom boende på ön har tilldelats tygpåsar som dom ska använda.
Thailand’s Island of Koh Samet to Ban Plastic and Styrofoam Containers
By Editor on November 1, 2018Comments Off on Thailand’s Island of Koh Samet to Ban Plastic and Styrofoam Containers
On average, 1,500 tourists visit the island per day, who use approximately eight plastic bags each during their stay.
RAYONG – Tourists heading to the The island of Koh Samet will no longer be able to take plastic bags with them onto the island.
From 1 November, people entering the island will not be allowed to carry any bags of that nature.
People who live on the island have been given tote bags to use instead. Styrofoam containers are also banned.
Anyone breaking the new rules will face fines, although tourists are unlikely to be penalised while it is rolled ou
Koh Samet National Park Facebook page said: “Starting on Nov 1, 2018 Koh Samet will discourage the use of plastic bags on the island.”
Läs hela artikeln här: Thailand's Island of Koh Samet to Ban Plastic and Styrofoam Containers
Mvh isan lover
Läste att plastpåsar och frigolit har förbjudits på Koh Samet, förbudet börjar gälla den 1 november 2018, dom som fortsätter använda dessa produkter kan numera bötfällas med 1500 baht, dom boende på ön har tilldelats tygpåsar som dom ska använda.
Thailand’s Island of Koh Samet to Ban Plastic and Styrofoam Containers
By Editor on November 1, 2018Comments Off on Thailand’s Island of Koh Samet to Ban Plastic and Styrofoam Containers
On average, 1,500 tourists visit the island per day, who use approximately eight plastic bags each during their stay.

RAYONG – Tourists heading to the The island of Koh Samet will no longer be able to take plastic bags with them onto the island.
From 1 November, people entering the island will not be allowed to carry any bags of that nature.
People who live on the island have been given tote bags to use instead. Styrofoam containers are also banned.
Anyone breaking the new rules will face fines, although tourists are unlikely to be penalised while it is rolled ou
Koh Samet National Park Facebook page said: “Starting on Nov 1, 2018 Koh Samet will discourage the use of plastic bags on the island.”

Läs hela artikeln här: Thailand's Island of Koh Samet to Ban Plastic and Styrofoam Containers
Mvh isan lover