Isan Lover
Taxichaufförerna fortsätter att vara det största problemet för dom som besöker Thailand, förra året arresterades 12 679 av dom, 5668 för att dom vägrade plocka upp passagerare, 3408 vägrade använda taximetern och 1659 greps för överpriser, sen är det nog bara en bråkdel av dom som begår brott som anmäls och leder till ingripande av polis, så problemet är nog väldigt stort och även Thsiländare drabbas av det.
Taxis are leading concern for tourists visiting Thailand
January 5, 2019
By The Thaiger
Tourist police say that Taxi’s continue to be one of the most pressing issues for tourists visiting Thailand.
In 2018, 12,679 taxi drivers were arrested by police, of which 5,668 drivers refused to pick up passengers, compared to 1,681 last year. 3,408 drivers refused to use their fare meter, compared to 255 last year and 1,659 who were overcharging, where last year it was 120.
1,581 unauthorised tour guides were also arrested by police up from 132 last year, and 390 “sitting guides” who with their licence accompany unauthorised foreign language speaking guides, compared to last year where only nine arrest where made.
Police also arrested 6,333 ‘low-quality’ tour operators, 26 vendors who sold overpriced products to tourists, and raided 35 illegal entertainment venues. Police also found 161 cases of ‘influential people’ carrying firearms in tourists areas and 9,533 cases where tourists were affected as well as 1,406 cases of illicit drugs at tourist venues.
SOURCE:Eleven Media Group
Taxis are leading concern for tourists visiting Thailand
Mvh isan lover
Taxichaufförerna fortsätter att vara det största problemet för dom som besöker Thailand, förra året arresterades 12 679 av dom, 5668 för att dom vägrade plocka upp passagerare, 3408 vägrade använda taximetern och 1659 greps för överpriser, sen är det nog bara en bråkdel av dom som begår brott som anmäls och leder till ingripande av polis, så problemet är nog väldigt stort och även Thsiländare drabbas av det.
Taxis are leading concern for tourists visiting Thailand
January 5, 2019
By The Thaiger

Tourist police say that Taxi’s continue to be one of the most pressing issues for tourists visiting Thailand.
In 2018, 12,679 taxi drivers were arrested by police, of which 5,668 drivers refused to pick up passengers, compared to 1,681 last year. 3,408 drivers refused to use their fare meter, compared to 255 last year and 1,659 who were overcharging, where last year it was 120.
1,581 unauthorised tour guides were also arrested by police up from 132 last year, and 390 “sitting guides” who with their licence accompany unauthorised foreign language speaking guides, compared to last year where only nine arrest where made.
Police also arrested 6,333 ‘low-quality’ tour operators, 26 vendors who sold overpriced products to tourists, and raided 35 illegal entertainment venues. Police also found 161 cases of ‘influential people’ carrying firearms in tourists areas and 9,533 cases where tourists were affected as well as 1,406 cases of illicit drugs at tourist venues.
SOURCE:Eleven Media Group
Taxis are leading concern for tourists visiting Thailand
Mvh isan lover