Isan Lover
Den genomsnittlige Thailändske bärplockaren tjänade 4 000 euro på 2.5 månads bärplockning i Finland i år, men det fanns dom som tjänade hela 12 000 euro vilket motsvarar 15 årslöner för en jordbruksarbetare i Thailand.
Blueberry picking in Virolahti on 25 August. Photo: Juha Metso / AOP
The outbreak of covid-19 amongst a group of Thai berry pickers in August in Finland was a cause for concern but overall the summer season was good, at least from the Thai pickers’ point of view were the best managed to earn what would have been years of income in their home country of Thailand.
According to YLE, during their two-and-a-half-month berry-picking contract in Finland, some Thai pickers earned what equals to as much as fifteen years of income in Thailand.
Mvh isan lover
Den genomsnittlige Thailändske bärplockaren tjänade 4 000 euro på 2.5 månads bärplockning i Finland i år, men det fanns dom som tjänade hela 12 000 euro vilket motsvarar 15 årslöner för en jordbruksarbetare i Thailand.
Some Thai berry pickers earned what equals 15 years salary during the season in Finland
October 14, 2021 - by Gregers Møller - Leave a CommentSHARETWEETPIN ITSHARE

Blueberry picking in Virolahti on 25 August. Photo: Juha Metso / AOP
The outbreak of covid-19 amongst a group of Thai berry pickers in August in Finland was a cause for concern but overall the summer season was good, at least from the Thai pickers’ point of view were the best managed to earn what would have been years of income in their home country of Thailand.
According to YLE, during their two-and-a-half-month berry-picking contract in Finland, some Thai pickers earned what equals to as much as fifteen years of income in Thailand.

Some Thai berry pickers earned what equals 15 years salary during the season in Finland - Scandasia
The outbreak of covid-19 amongst a group of Thai berry pickers in August in Finland was a cause for concern but overall the summer season was good, at least from …

Mvh isan lover