Till Salu skyltar allt vanligare i Pattaya p.g.a av coronavirusets effekter.


Isan Lover


Pattaya Mail uppger i en egen ovetenskapligt genomförd undersökning att antalet rörelser med Till Salu skyltar har ökat rejält sedan Kineserna uteblev efter att coronaviruset slog till, t.o.m ställen som öppnade bara för några veckor sedan är nu till salu.

‘For sale’ signs pop up as happy hour ends in Pattaya
By Jetsada Homklin
February 22, 2020

With the city’s main sources of tourists dried up, “for sale” signs are becoming as common as happy hour placards in Pattaya.

With the city’s main sources of tourists dried up, “for sale” signs are becoming as common as happy hour placards in Pattaya.

An unscientific survey of Pattaya’s busy downtown streets found an apparent increase in closed businesses and for sale sales, in some cases due to the disappearance of Chinese tourists due to the Covid-19 outbreak. Shops open just a week ago in places like the Soho Town Market and Mae Wilai Market are closed today.
While there are still Indian, Russian and European tourists in town, many businesses put all their eggs in a Chinese basket and were forced to close down when Beijing banned overseas tours to control the spread of the deadly virus.

Mvh isan lover