Död hjort hade 7 kg plast i magen.


Isan Lover


Det är ju mycket prat om vad plast i våra hav orsakar men även plastavfall på land ställer till problem för djur och natur.

7 kilos of plastic, trash pulled from dead deer in northern Thai park
By Teirra Kamolvattanavith Nov 26, 2019 | 12:22pm Bangkok time
  • The dead deer found at Khun Sathan National Park at left. At right, some of waste that was found inside it’s stomach. Photo: Office of Conservation Area 13 / Courtesy

    The dead deer found at Khun Sathan National Park at left. At right, some of waste that was found inside it’s stomach. Photo: Office of Conservation Area 13 / Courtesy
A ban on plastics inside national parks was either too little or too late for a deer found yesterday with 7 kilograms of garbage inside its body.

The animal was found dead with no external wounds or cuts in the Khun Sathan National Park in northern Nan province. It wasn’t until the deer was dissected that they found it packed with trash including instant coffee packages, condiment packages, plastic bags and even a man’s underwear.

“An examination of the deer carcass revealed that it had a number of plastic bags, garbage and human appliances inside its stomach. It appeared that it had been accumulating in his stomach over a long period of time. This is similar to the marine plastic pollution crisis that killed the dugongs,” said Kriengsak Thanomphan, regional conservation office director.

Mvh isan lover

Det är lite märkligt vad djur kan stoppa i sig och det gäller ju även tamboskap, vi har ju kreatur, hästar och får som far illa när dom får i sig allt ifrån plast, glas till bitar av aluminiumburkar.

Hur många djur i skogar och hav som dör p.g.a sånt här vet vi ju inte, men man kan nog anta att det är en hel del.

Mvh isan lover

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