Isan Lover
Turistmyndigheten i Thailand meddelade att minst 30 000 guider har blivit av med sina jobb efter det att turismen har minskat med 80-90%, man säger sig inte ha upplevt något liknande i branschen på 40 år.
Förmodligen ser det likadant ut i andra yrken kopplade till turismen, hotell, restauranger och attraktioner som normalt har sin inkomst ifrån turister måste väl drabbas ungefär likadant.
30,000 tour guides lose jobs as tourist numbers dive
Mar 02. 2020
File photo
By The Nation
At least 30,000 tour guides nationwide have lost their jobs after the number of tourists nosedived by 80-90 per cent amid concern over the Covid-19 coronavirus, Tourism Council of Thailand president Jarupol Rueangket said after a 2020 Annual General Meeting. The effects of the Covid-19 outbreak will further slow down tourism in the country, he warned.
Mvh isan lover
Turistmyndigheten i Thailand meddelade att minst 30 000 guider har blivit av med sina jobb efter det att turismen har minskat med 80-90%, man säger sig inte ha upplevt något liknande i branschen på 40 år.
Förmodligen ser det likadant ut i andra yrken kopplade till turismen, hotell, restauranger och attraktioner som normalt har sin inkomst ifrån turister måste väl drabbas ungefär likadant.
30,000 tour guides lose jobs as tourist numbers dive
Mar 02. 2020

File photo
By The Nation
At least 30,000 tour guides nationwide have lost their jobs after the number of tourists nosedived by 80-90 per cent amid concern over the Covid-19 coronavirus, Tourism Council of Thailand president Jarupol Rueangket said after a 2020 Annual General Meeting. The effects of the Covid-19 outbreak will further slow down tourism in the country, he warned.

30,000 tour guides lose jobs as tourist numbers dive
At least 30,000 tour guides nationwide have lost their jobs after the number of tourists nosedived by 80-90 per cent amid concern over the Covid-19 coronavirus, Tourism Council of Thailand president Jarupol Rueangket said after a 2020 Annual General Meeting. The effects of the Covid-19 outbreak...

Mvh isan lover