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Thailändska Meterologiska Departementet
"Tropical Storm “NARI”"
No. 7 Time Issued : October 13, 2013
At 9.00 p.m. LST on 13 October, typhoon “NARI” in the middle South China Sea is centered about 450 kilometers east of Da Nang, Vietnam or at 15.4 degree North and 112.1 degree East with maximum sustained winds about 140 km/hr. It is moving west at speed of 20 km/hr to make landfall over middle Vietnam during 15-16 October. It is forecast to weaken quickly. More rain with windy is likely in the Northeast and the East. All travelers are advised to prepare for the safety before departure.
The weak high pressure over upper Thailand leads to a rise of temperature, as well as fog in the North, the Northeast and the Central. Also, the weak southwest monsoon over the Andaman Sea, the South and the Gulf of Thailand leads to decreasing rain in the South.
The advisory will be effect on 13 October 2013 at 10.00 p.m.
(Signed) Worapat Tiewthanom
"NARI" Storm
Name (Thai): นารี Meaning: ดอกไม้
Name (English): NARI Origin of Name: สาธารณรัฐเกาหลี
Date Time Level Speed Latitude Longitude
Oct 14, 2013 01:00 Typhoon 140 15° 24' 00'' N 111° 54' 00'' E
Oct 13, 2013 19:00 Typhoon 140 15° 30' 00'' N 112° 30' 00'' E
Oct 13, 2013 13:00 Typhoon 140 15° 24' 00'' N 113° 36' 00'' E
Oct 13, 2013 07:00 Typhoon 140 15° 18' 00'' N 114° 42' 00'' E
Oct 13, 2013 01:00 Typhoon 130 15° 18' 00'' N 115° 42' 00'' E
Oct 12, 2013 19:00 Typhoon 120 15° 24' 00'' N 117° 00' 00'' E
Oct 12, 2013 13:00 Typhoon 120 15° 24' 00'' N 118° 12' 00'' E
Oct 12, 2013 07:00 Typhoon 120 15° 30' 00'' N 119° 00' 00'' E
Oct 12, 2013 01:00 Typhoon 120 15° 42' 00'' N 120° 30' 00'' E
Oct 11, 2013 19:00 Typhoon 140 15° 24' 00'' N 122° 42' 00'' E
Oct 11, 2013 13:00 Typhoon 139 15° 18' 00'' N 123° 30' 00'' E
Oct 11, 2013 07:00 Typhoon 130 15° 18' 00'' N 124° 30' 00'' E
Oct 11, 2013 01:00 Typhoon 120 15° 18' 00'' N 125° 24' 00'' E
Oct 10, 2013 19:00 Tropical Storm 110 15° 18' 00'' N 126° 06' 00'' E
Oct 10, 2013 13:00 Tropical Storm 120 15° 18' 00'' N 126° 54' 00'' E
Oct 10, 2013 07:00 Tropical Storm 85 15° 00' 00'' N 128° 00' 00'' E
Oct 10, 2013 01:00 Tropical Storm 75 14° 42' 00'' N 128° 30' 00'' E
Oct 9, 2013 19:00 Tropical Storm 65 14° 30' 00'' N 129° 00' 00'' E
Oct 9, 2013 13:00 Tropical Depression 55 14° 00' 00'' N 130° 00' 00'' E
Oct 9, 2013 07:00 Tropical Depression 55 14° 00' 00'' N 130° 30' 00'' E
Oct 9, 2013 01:00 Tropical Storm 75 14° 42' 00'' N 128° 30' 00'' E
Och för oss sjöfarare denna:http://www.tmd.go.th/en/Shiping_forecast.php
Synoptic Situation at : 14 Oct 2013 04:00 LST
At 2100 UTC on 14 October, typhoon “NARI” in the middle South China Sea was centered about 380 kilometers east of Da Nang, Vietnam or at 15.4 degree North and 111.4 degree East with maximum sustained winds about 75 knots or 140 km/hr. It is moving west at speed of 7 knots or 13 km/hr. It is expected will make landfall at middle Vietnam during 15-16 October. It is forecast to weaken quickly. The weak southwest monsoon prevails over the Andaman Sea, southern Thailand and the Gulf of Thailand leading to decreasing rain, as well as the wind wave.
24-Hour Weather Forecast for Shipping
From 14 Oct 2013 07:00 LST - 15 Oct 2013 07:00 LST
ฺBoth sides of Thai gulf Cloudy with scattered thundershowers mostly in the lower Gulf. Westerly winds 6-16 knots or 10-30 km/hr. Wave height below 1 meter.
Andaman sea Cloudy with scattered thundershowers and isolated heavy rain mainly in Malaca Strait. Southwesterly winds 8-16 knots or 15-30 km/hr. Wave height about 1 meter and about 2 meters in thundershower areas.
Kotabaru to Singapore Very cloudy with scattered thundershowers. Westerly winds 8-18 knots or 15-35 km/hr. Wave height 1- 2 meters and about 2 meters in thundershower areas.
Yuan Very cloudy with fairly widespread thundershowers. Isolated heavy rain with windy. Westerly winds 11-22 knots or 20-40 km/hr. Wave height 2-3 meters.