Isan Lover
Razzior genomfördes på tre ställen i Surin provins, dessa var Leo Karaoke, Nad Phob Karaoke och Don Kaew Karaoke, polisen hade fått tips ifrån organisationen Lift International om att underåriga utnyttjades för sexhandel just på dessa tre karaokebarer, beväpnad polis slog till efter det att dom hade konstaterat att sex såldes där, 7 underåriga tjejer hittades bland dom totalt 19 tjejer som fanns på dessa ställen, den yngsta flickan var bara 14 år, flera falanger var bland kunderna på dessa barer när polisen slog till. En av ägarna till en av barerna visade sig kanske lite överraskande vara en 51 årig skollärare ifrån Surin.
Surin teacher facing more severe punishment after being found selling underage girls for sex
PHOTO: Four people operating sex for sale karaoke bars were arrested, while nineteen sex workers were held, seven of whom are underaged - The Thai
A 51 year old local schoolteacher in Thailand’s northeastern Surin province, near the Cambodian border, was among the owners of three karaoke bars caught selling the sexual services of underaged Thai girls this week. Nineteen women, thought to be sex workers, were taken into custody following raids on the bars.
The businesses were closed and their owners face a range of charges including human trafficking and facilitating the molestation of minors. Provincial authorities warned that government officials and employees will face harsher punishment after it emerged that one of the owners was a public school teacher.
Mvh isan lover
Razzior genomfördes på tre ställen i Surin provins, dessa var Leo Karaoke, Nad Phob Karaoke och Don Kaew Karaoke, polisen hade fått tips ifrån organisationen Lift International om att underåriga utnyttjades för sexhandel just på dessa tre karaokebarer, beväpnad polis slog till efter det att dom hade konstaterat att sex såldes där, 7 underåriga tjejer hittades bland dom totalt 19 tjejer som fanns på dessa ställen, den yngsta flickan var bara 14 år, flera falanger var bland kunderna på dessa barer när polisen slog till. En av ägarna till en av barerna visade sig kanske lite överraskande vara en 51 årig skollärare ifrån Surin.
Surin teacher facing more severe punishment after being found selling underage girls for sex
- February 29, 2020 at 11:38 pm
- by Carla Boonkong & Son Nguyen
PHOTO: Four people operating sex for sale karaoke bars were arrested, while nineteen sex workers were held, seven of whom are underaged - The Thai
A 51 year old local schoolteacher in Thailand’s northeastern Surin province, near the Cambodian border, was among the owners of three karaoke bars caught selling the sexual services of underaged Thai girls this week. Nineteen women, thought to be sex workers, were taken into custody following raids on the bars.
The businesses were closed and their owners face a range of charges including human trafficking and facilitating the molestation of minors. Provincial authorities warned that government officials and employees will face harsher punishment after it emerged that one of the owners was a public school teacher.*stitution-girls-surin/
Mvh isan lover