Här tar man upp höjda nivåer i våra hav p.g.a växthuseffekten som ger ett varmare klimat och smälter isar och glaciärer.
Dom länder där mest människor kommer att drabbas ligger i Asien och är Kina, Bangladesh, Indien, Vietnam, Indonesien, Thailand, Filippinerna och Japan, redan år 2050 beräknas mark där 300 miljoner människor nu bor ligga under vattenlinjen.
Asian cities projected to be hard hit by rising sea levels
Published October 31, 2019
The Thaiger
Original writer Quinn Libson
“The story is grave in Thailand where more than 10% of Thailand’s residents already live on land that is likely to be inundated by 2050.”
New research now shows that previous projections for the number of people who will be impacted by sea level rise have been far too optimistic.
A new projection method, using artificial intelligence, indicates as many as 300 million people are currently living on land that will be below the high-tide line by 2050, three times more than previously estimated. A lot fo the impact will be felt by a handful of coastal Asian countries.
Driven by climate change, global mean sea level rose 11–16 cm in the twentieth century – nature.com report
The paper, published in
Nature Communications, estimates that 70% of the total number of people worldwide currently living on vulnerable land are in eight countries – China, Bangladesh, India, Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, and Japan.
New research shows that previous projections for the number of people who will be impacted by sea level rise have been far too optimistic.
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