Det ser ut som om Gotland kommer att få rätt, nu söker polisen efter den som filmade tortyren och mordet på polisstationen, denne anses ha brutit mot Computer Crime Act och hotas nu av 5 års fängelse.
Att efterlysa visselblåsaren och hota med 5 års fängelsestraff tyder ju inte direkt på att polisen vill ha fler såna här uppmärksammade skandaler offentliggjorda.
Thai police crusade against ‘fake news’ after torture snuff video embarrassment
Coconuts Bangkok Aug 30, 2021 | 12:19pm Bangkok time
Photo: Anti-Fake News Center Thailand
The authorities are hunting for whoever was behind reports that a police whistleblower who leaked footage of a suspect being tortured to death had himself died mysteriously.
Maj. Gen. Yingyong Thepjamnong, national police spokesperson, said they were looking for whoever spread “fake news” about the drowning of Tossaporn Kaewkoed, who was said to be the junior police officer who implicated Col. Thitisan “Chief Joe” Utthanaphol in
torturing a drug trafficking suspect to death.
Yingyong said that no such officer existed, and whoever spread the news faces up to five years in prison for violating the Computer Crime Act.
The authorities are hunting for whoever was behind reports that a police whistleblower who leaked footage of a suspect being tortured to death had himself died mysteriously. Maj. Gen. Yingyong Thepjamnong, national police spokesperson, said they were looking for whoever spread “fake news” about...
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