Det här låter nästan osannolikt men enligt media ska man i Yala ha inför Islamska lagar för att hindra och kunna arrestera ogifta kvinnor och män som talar med varandra utan övervakning av en tredje part, det är lokala religiösa ledare s.k Imamer i samarbete med lokal polis som har infört dessa lagar i december 2019.
Man har redan gripit ett ogift par som pratade med varandra och dom fördes till en moské för förhör och där upp anades dom att upphöra med detta, det som kan uppfattas som sexuellt obscenitet kan ge ett straff på 5-20 års fängelse.
Khaosod English
January 4, 2021 3:55 pm
A group of Muslim women are seen in Yaha district, Yala province, on Jan. 3, 2021.
YALA — Muslim clerics and the local police force in the southern province of Yala are teaming up to crack down on ‘inappropriate’ public display of affections among unmarried couples.
Violators face both civil and criminal punishments – unmarried couples caught in the act could be made to marry immediately by the Islamic authorities and then charged with public obscenities, which carries a prison term. It is still unclear what offenses fall under the ban, which is being enforced in one of Yala’s districts, but a senior cleric said they include a conversation between a man and a woman.
“We’re not preventing people from communicating or talking. But if they are talking, then there should be a third party,” Sutimat Mahamad, imam of the Yaha Central Mosque said Sunday. “If there is a third party, we will not get involved at all. But if they’re talking one-on-one, the police will arrest them.”
YALA — Muslim clerics and the local police force in the southern province of Yala are teaming up to crack down on ‘inappropriate’ public display of affections among unmarried couples.
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