"legolas " sa:
Har ALDRIG ens läst nåt liknande att de skulle ha lovat fritt internet..... Däremot så har de lovat fri tillgång till alla elever i High School och över det!!! Alltså inte som många säger här, en dator till varje elev, utan TILLGÅNG till en dator åt varje elev. Det kan ju betyda 1 dator per skola..... så illa kan det vara om man skall uppfylla valfläsket...
Vet inte hur du tolkar men sett flera gånger nu att du hävdar att det är skolorna som skall få datorer och inte eleverna!
Här har du en lista över PT`s vallöften:
Policy pledges include:
- Guarantee a uniform daily minimum wage of 300 baht ($10) throughout the country; this would rise to 1,000 baht by 2020.
- Raise salaries of civil servants and state workers
- Universal medical care; patients pay 30 baht ($0.97) per visit
- Credit cards for farmers to buy fertilizer and other things needed for production; rice intervention scheme with a guaranteed 15,000-20,000 baht per tonne for unmilled rice
- Three-year household debt moratorium for those with up to 500,000 baht in debt, focusing on teachers, farmers and civil servants; debt restructuring for those with more than 500,000 baht.
- Starting monthly salary of 15,000 baht ($500) for new university graduates, up from the current 10,640 baht.
- Free tablet computers for about 800,000 new school children each year. Puea Thai says these would cost 5,000 baht ($160) each and operate with open-source software.
- Corporate tax cut from 30 percent to 23 percent in first year, 20 percent in second year
- Tax cuts for buyers of first homes and first cars
- A flat 20 baht fare for all 10 mass transit rail lines in Bangkok
- Promote Bangkok's Suvarnabhumi airport as regional hub
- High-speed rail lines linking key cities in the north, northeast, east and upper south regions. Trains to link with outskirts of Bangkok and eastern tourism, industrial hubs
- Annual rural village development funds of between 300,000 and two million baht for each of Thailand's 73,000 villages.
- Monthly welfare allowance of 600 baht for elderly citizens of over 60, rising to 700 baht at 70, 800 baht at 80, and 1,000 baht at 90
- Free Wi-Fi and Internet connections in public places.
- Build 30-km (18-mile) anti-flooding levees to protect Bangkok and satellite towns from tide surges around the Gulf of Thailand
- Special administrative status for southern Muslim provinces
- Campaign to wipe out illicit drugs ($1 = 30.805 Thai Baht)