Samtidigt som den ekonomiska tillväxten sjunker visar dom första sex månaderna av året en minskning av Kinesiska turister med 5%.
Thailand Faces Tough Times as Chinese Tourism Continues to Drop
BANGKOK – Thais face tough times, figures released this month show that the economy grew by 2.3% in the year ending in June. Its slowest rate in almost five years, last year the economy expanded by 4.1%.
Exports are limp because of the US, China trade war and the strength of the baht, the local currency. It has risen by more than 5% against the dollar this year. Making it the best-performing currency in South-East Asia.
Farmers, meanwhile, are cursing the feeblest monsoon in a decade.
Thailand’s central bank, worried about the weakness of the economy, recently cut its benchmark interest rate. By a quarter of a percentage point, to 1.5%.
Tourism in Thailand is another source of concern. The industry generates more than a fifth of GDP. It has grown by leaps and bounds in recent years. But China’s slowdown and the weakness of its currency seem to be discouraging its citizens to visit Thailand. Chinese tourists made up More than a quarter of the 38m foreign visitors to Thailand last year.
The number of Chinese holidaymakers dropped by nearly 5% in the first six months of this year.
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